Welcome to yet another video on breast cancer awareness for our patients, friends, colleagues, and community. Cancer awareness has been one of the key aims of our community talks series and breast cancer is one of the most commonly seen cancers in the female gender. At the outset, we would like to thank Dr. Anuja Raniwala for taking out time from her busy surgical schedule and give this detailed overview of breast cancer to supplement the efforts of Dr. Mona Mehta. If you have missed that video, do have a look as both these superwomen have on this international women's day Chosen to challenge breast cancer.
The current video begins with outlining the importance of screening, followed by the step by step approach to breast self-examination as it can save your life by detecting cancer early if present. This step by step approach will definitely answer the commonly asked question in our out-patient department of how to perform a breast self-exam.
This is followed by a very simplified description of the common breast cancer symptoms - painless breast lump, nipple discharge of a specific type as well as skin and nipple changes. A knowledge and awareness of these symptoms can help you identify the cancer early.
Dr. Anuja Raniwala is a breast cancer specialist surgeon and this can be very clearly seen as she explains the different types of breast cancer surgery. She correctly emphasizes on the fact that breast conservation is a possibility with the advancement in medical field and that it is in no way inferior to the conventional complete breast removal along with the tumor.
She also gives a detailed overview of the chemotherapy, radiation and hormone therapy options available in present times and this completes the complete treatment of a patient with breast cancer. The key point is that if you are aware and if you prevent or diagnose the disease early, you can get a definite advantage against cancer and this can be a life saving measure.
So, let us share this video to all our colleagues and let us all choose to challenge breast cancer.