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Applied Anatomy - Colon Cancer Surgery - Cancer Stages, Nodal Grouping - AJCC

Basis of colon cancer surgery and applied anatomy of the superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery - https://youtu.be/XNX7ae3Nyg0

This video is part 2 of the applied anatomy of colorectal cancer surgery where we will discuss the nodal staging based on AJCC 8th edition, followed by a simplified staging of colon cancer. We will also discuss the Japanese staging system for colon cancer and their lymphadenectomy types.

This discussion is followed by a discussion of complete mesocolic excision with central vascular ligation which is the german equivalent of D3 lymphadenectomy proposed by the Japanese surgical society.

This video by Edusurg clinics will clear a lot of concepts related to colon cancer staging and surgery.