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Applied anatomy of rectum - Colon and rectal cancer surgery - Anatomical basis

This video by edusurg clinics is a continuation of the basics of colon and rectal cancer surgery anatomy

Superior and inferior mesenteric artery (Part 1 of applied anatomy of colo-rectum) - https://youtu.be/XNX7ae3Nyg0

Part 2 (Lymph nodes and staging, for colon) - https://youtu.be/WPHGvS61VR0

The current video focuses on the applied anatomy of the rectum, where Dr. Gunjan Desai from Edusurg Clinics describes the fine points relevant to rectal cancer surgery. The Upper, middle and lower rectum are clearly defined and intra-peritoneal and extra-peritoneal rectal tumors are segregated based on crystal clear landmarks.

The video then discusses about mesorectum and total mesorectal excision. This is followed by a discussion on upper, middle, and lower rectal cancers and a part of modified Rullier Classification is also discussed here. The video is an anatomy masterclass for applied aspects of the rectum.