This video is a masterclass by Dr. Jaydeep Palep and covers all the complications of bariatric surgery - early and late. It is an excellent overview of the various side effects of bariatric surgery - also known as weight loss surgery or metabolic surgery. The complications such as post-operative leaks, nausea, and vomiting as well as internal hernias or intestinal obstruction and malnutrition are all discussed from etiology to management.
The vast experience of Dr. Palep in the field along with the evidence-based step-by-step approach in the video will definitely help everyone interested in the field to understand each and every complication in the field of these surgeries. The key points to take home are
- Do not over-do laparoscopy
- Have a low threshold for diagnostic laparoscopy in the early postoperative period
- Assess with upper gastrointestinal endoscopy if minimum suspicion of relevant complications
- Re-do procedures and conversion to the mal-absorptive procedures should be done only by experienced surgeons at high-volume centres
- Close all mesenteric defects to avoid internal herniation.
Step wise management of each complication is highlighted in the video so, do have a look to understand and apply the knowledge in practice.