Edusurg Clinics presents a very important topic routinely asked in NEET/ MRCS/ USMLE as well as theory and practical surgery exam viz. Choledochal cyst - In this part 1 we discuss what is a choledochal cyst? - It's classification - Todani modification of Alonso-Lej, the pathogenesis including abnormal pancreaticobiliary duct junction or APBDJ as well as the recent advances in classification.
Choledochal cyst is a risk factor for biliary cancers and the incidence of cancers is also given towards the end of this talk. Forme Fruste Choledochal cyst or Type 7, as well as isolated cystic duct choledochal cyst or type 6, are also discussed in this talk.
Komi Classification is for APBDJ and this is mentioned but not discussed as its subtypes are not routinely asked and are a bit tricky for students to memorize.
So, do have a look at this video for understanding this topic.