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  • Mumbai, India
  • Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 04.00pm

Gall Bladder Cancer & Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma Radiology Masterclass-Imaging Basics

Gall bladder cancer and hilar cholangiocarcinoma are tricky diseases to manage and their surgical resection completely depends on studying the preoperative images be it triple-phase CT scan or MRI. This edusurg clinics radiology masterclass by Dr. Amar Suri focuses on this topic and gives a detailed outline of resectability assessment on imaging.

We discuss the key questions asked while imaging for these cancers such as -

#CT scan v/s MRI,

#CT scan abdomen, and CT scan with contrast for gall bladder cancer and hilar cholangiocarcinoma.

The talk also gives a few CT scan results and ct scan images to help get a visual idea of the Bismuth Corlette classification as well as the morphological types of hilar cholangiocarcinoma as well as the mimics of gall bladder cancer.

Planning the surgery on CT/ MRI console is the key prerequisite for a successful cancer surgery of this area and this point is highlighted here. Always Study the scans and discuss with your radiologist to plan appropriate surgical management.