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Home Management Strategies Against COVID - Best Practices Advices On International Women's Day

COVID-19 is spreading its wings for the last 1 year and all of us are facing its effects, be it at the workplace or at home. However, the women have been affected the most by this pandemic the reason being variations in household practices to avoid COVID contagion from entering the house as well as to keep the family happy and healthy.

This video is from one of the experts who has been at the forefront to manage this COVID pandemic in Mumbai at a COVID center since its arrival in Mumbai - Dr. Abha Mahashur. She is one of the leading chest physicians practicing at Lilavati hospital and she has been managing these cases day in and out.

At the outset, team edusurg clinics thanks her for sharing her experience with all of us on international women's day. The video answers some of the commonly encountered situations by all women at their home in the current pandemic such as

- How to keep the house COVID proof

- How to handle household deliveries

- How to take care of guests

- How to take care of children and the elderly in the family

- How to manage family members on home quarantine

- How to take care of herself if recovering from COVID

- How to ensure the health and happiness of herself and her family through these new normal steps

Dr. Abha Clearly gives the messages in a very simplified and scientific manner that can be easily applied in day-to-day life. So, spread the message, be aware and follow her KEY ADVICES "MASK, Sanitization, Disinfection and Distancing" - to keep your house COVID proof.

SO, let us have an understanding of these points and be aware to be healthy. Feel free to leave your questions in the comments section and we will get the answers across. You can also email us your queries. This video is a part of our series of conversations with the superwomen managing our patients which features Dr. Mona Mehta, Dr. Abha Pandey, Dr. Anuja Raniwala, and Dr. Trisha Naik.

Do have a look at the entire playlist and be aware to challenge the diseases that commonly affect women's health.