This is an APPLIED RADIOLOGY CT abdomen video with steps to trace colon, ileocecal junction, and appendix followed by 3 COLON CANCER CASES + QUIZ before each case. The video is a radiology masterclass with all the basics to answer how to read ct abdomen with the complete tracing of the colon and a quiz, which will be a fun discussion to have. So, check your scan viewing skills in the video while at the same time learn the basics of CT abdomen.
The video is a continuation of our previous radiology videos on CT abdomen.
If you have missed out on our introduction to CT abdomen and pelvis video, or the portal vein tracing on CT or the celiac axis on CT as well as the CT abdomen basics, do have a look at those videos. Our aim is to make scan reading fun and to make the CT abdomen easy for medical students, residents as well as surgeons.