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Liver resection surgery and liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma/primary liver cancer

Primary liver cancer is also known as hepatocellular carcinoma. Its clinical presentation and screening - https://youtu.be/YsstElhlRQ4 LI-RADS - Imaging for liver cancer - https://youtu.be/9AbS_8Lk1p4 Treatment overview of hepatocellular carcinoma - https://youtu.be/HRgyzMIbYSM

The Barcelona clinic liver cancer staging system has recently undergone some changes in 2022 liver cancer staging and recommendations. However, the role of liver resection and liver transplantation is still debated in the BCLC 0 and A stages. The current debate highlights the recent literature on the same and enumerates the points in favor of and against both modalities.

Liver resection is recommended even in the 2022 BCLC as the treatment of choice in patients with preserved liver function.

Transplantation is preferred when liver function is not good and the child-pugh score is more than 8. Liver transplantation comes with its own set of problems such as cost, availability of donors, and so on.. So, selecting the treatment option depends on a lot of factors especially when 5-year survivals may be similar in both groups with appropriately selected cases.

So, do have a look at this video on primary liver cancer management / hepatocellular carcinoma treatment predominantly focussing on liver resection and liver transplantation.