This is the first talk of the fourth webinar of Edusurg clinics on non-metastatic rectal cancer management, where, Dr. Amar Suri, consultant radiologist, Divine diagnostic Hub, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India discusses the fine details of MRI evaluation for carcinoma of the rectum.
The talk answers the question of how to perform and interpret MRI in rectal cancer and rectal cancer MRI staging. Dr. Amar begins by very clearly stating the growing role of MRI in rectal cancer over the last decade. He puts forward the point that MRI in rectal cancer staging is mandatory. He then takes us on a journey covering the key aspects of protocols as well as interpretation of MRI for rectal cancer.
He gives an illustrated review of the T stage of rectal cancer, Nodal disease as well as the approach to MRI reporting in these cases. The talk also highlights the role of MRI in assessing treatment response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation that is very commonly used in Rectal cancer. So, if you have a question in your mind about How to read rectal cancer MRI in your practice, this is the video for you and your colleagues.
As discussed in the talk, the key points to look for in this MRI are a distance from the anal verge, tumor location, the extent of the rectal wall and sphincter involvement, nodal disease within and outside the mesorectum, extramural venous invasion, tumor deposits, metastatic disease and involvement of adjacent organs. Also, the tumor regression grade on MRI is discussed to assess response to chemoradiation in the neoadjuvant setting. So, let us have a look at this excellent, illustrated, teaching video from A master in the field.