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Radiation Treatment For Rectal Cancer

Rectal cancer is one of the commonly seen cancers in our population and it is recently also being seen at a younger age. Radiation therapy forms a key component of rectal cancer management and it is very commonly asked by our patients that how is radiation treatment given to them? whether they need to get admitted for it, or will there be pain, what to expect when receiving radiation therapy, and so on and so forth.

Dr. Neha Patel, A specialist radiation oncologist practicing at Nirali Memorial radiation center of Bharat cancer hospital and research institute at Surat, Gujarat, India joins us for this conversation and enlightens everyone on these commonly asked questions related to radiation treatment for rectal cancer.

She begins by explaining what is radiation therapy and how it works, followed by the role of radiation therapy in rectal cancer. This is then followed by the role of radiation treatment for rectal cancer, the role of combining it with chemotherapy, and the advantages of giving it before surgery in appropriately selected patients.

She then discusses the rectal cancer treatment protocol which can include neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemoradiation and gives the benefits and disadvantages of both. This is followed by the actual planning process for administering radiation and also how it is carried out. The video outlines how to avoid colostomy, the evolving role of chemoradiation is very useful to understand. The optimal dose fractionation and schedule of radiation therapy - both short course and long course are then explained.

The video then answers the common questions of when to operate after radiation and when to radiate after the surgery. She also elaborates on the side effects of radiation and how to manage them. This is a video that will clear most of your doubts on radiation therapy and the summary slide is a good snapshot for rapid revision and review.

So, let us have a look at the video and share it to the maximum to spread awareness on the role of radiation therapy in rectal cancer.